227 Droylsden Rd, Audenshaw, Manchester M34 5ZT
affordable funeral tameside, stockport and manchester
affordable funeral service in tameside, stockport and manchester

With 17 years experience in the funeral industry, 12 of those as a Funeral Director, working in that time for two of the largest funeral companies in the country as well as two independent funeral providers, I have witnessed first hand the steady and unjustifiable rise in the costs of funerals over this period and all too often the financial difficulties families face in funding the respectful and dignified send off they desire in celebrating the memories of their loved ones.

This unacceptable and unjustified rise, pricing an average cremation from the established funeral industry at around £4000 motivated the formation of The Affordable Funeral Company to specifically address this issue and offer the service families envisaged at a price that winds the clock back on the ever increasing price rises of the last decade.

Our mission is to make funerals affordable again for the majority of people, especially in these present times of austerity, to enable bereaved families to celebrate and mourn the passing of a loved one without the worries and financial burdens of the current funeral pricing structure.

Stuart Roberts
Funeral Director

227 Droylsden Rd, Audenshaw,
Manchester M34 5ZT
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